Back from limbo


Gosh.. It’s been so long since my last post. Went through a period of auto-pilot mode from long hours of working and self searching. I still play my sax but I just can’t seem to get through to the next level! Then I really confirmed that I’ve hit a plateau in learning, thus the need to attend classes if I want to improve. Where I subsequently went through a few setbacks in terms of searching for saxophone classes to fit into my work schedule. I still can’t afford one-to-one classes and so far my best bet is still taking classes Subang Parade Yamaha Music School. Now, the next challenge is getting to the classes on  a weekday by 7pm, from KL to Subang. My answer is close to impossible! Especially for a public transport user like me, even if  I knock off from work at 6pm sharp.

After much thinking, surveying, verifying my expenses over and over again.. I decided to enroll myself  for motorcycle  license class and buy myself a bike. 😀 Read the rest of this entry

1st Trip to Cambodia


I’ ve never travelled past the Thai borders up north, never made it past Singapore down south and East Malaysia was the farthest I’ve traveled east! On 16 July – 24 July 2011 I decided to make a trip to Cambodia to visit the much talked about Angkor Wat Temple in Siem Reap! I hesitated as first until I told myself “If you don’t visit the ancient Angkor Wat in its prime now, it’s gonna crumble and you’ll never see it’s true beauty..”.

Angkor Wat, Cambodia

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My 1st Full Marathon


I only started running in 2010. All thanks to my buddy John who’s such an avid runner. Honestly speaking, I was never into running because I’m not specifically ‘build’ for this sport. Y’know.. Those waif-thin super fast runners?! But after a few half-marathons, short runs and relays, I realize this sport really puts me in a high! I’ve always been good in endurance-strength sports like kickboxing so it took me a while to get into running momentum.

And so I upped my ante to complete my 1st Full Marathon at the Standard Chartered Run last Sunday on 26 June 2011. It was an AWESOME feeling.

For the whole month before the actual run, I was barely running twice a week due to my hectic work load. As the race date got closer, I got REALLY SCARED and started reading tips for marathon preparations. I swore to myself that I would complete this marathon in ONE piece Read the rest of this entry